Are you Missing Short Putts?

Are you Missing Short Putts?

Tired of missing putts you know you should make? Sometimes the easy four and five footers are the hardest. It's more of a mental battle than a technical one.  Here is a great exercise to help you build confidence and overcome the putting yips!

  • Take your normal putting setup and address the ball three to four feet away from the pin.
  • Instead of making a backswing, push the ball towards the hole with the putter head. 
  • This exercise teaches you to accelerate the putter and will keep the ball on-line.  
  • After a few minutes of practice, go back making a normal putting stroke using a backswing but focus on maintaining the same acceleration feel as you did during the drill. 
  • Try pushing 3-5 putts to the hole, then switch to hitting 3-5 normal putts with a backswing.   
You will become more confident and excited for those short ones rather than dreading them.
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